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Luke 10:2 - And He said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."

This page contains a myriad of resources I highly recommend for those seeking to receive Christ's salvation, develop a more intimate relationship with Him, and further their sanctification.

Resources for those Seeking Salation:

If you desire to learn more about Jesus and the salvation He freely offers, I strongly recommend the following resources:

Resources for Bible Study:

If you are currently a believer in Christ and are looking for tools to help you in Bible study, I strongly recommend the following resources:

Resources for Spiritual Growth:

If you are currently a believer in Christ and are looking for resources to further your sanctification, relationship with Jesus, and spiritual maturity, I strongly recommend the following resources:

Resources for Outreach:

If you are currently a believer in Christ and are looking for materials to help you with preaching the Gospel to the lost, I strongly recommend the following:

Resources for Fighting Addiction:

If you are struggling with an addiction or know a fellow believer who is, the following resources below provide Biblically sound counseling and resources to help: