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Psalm 119:15-16 - I will meditate on Your precepts and regard Your ways. I shall delight in Your statutes; I shall not forget Your word.

A core component of the ministry my heavenly Father has given me is writing devotionals, which are 500-800-word essays on various doctrinal topics. For many years, these devotionals were given to me on a mostly weekly basis. Though they currently come much less frequently, they remain a core tenant of my ministry.

Below are some ways you can access these devotionals. May the Holy Spirit use them to further your faith, renew your mind, and encourage your spirit.

Free PDF Downloads:

Downloadable PDF files of the devotionals God has given me are available for free here.

Searchable Database:

A future feature I plan to add that will allow you to search for devotionals by topic.

Accessible Web Pages:

The following below is the list of all the devotionals I have converted to accessible web pages so far.







