Jesus is With Us

So many are lonely, so many afraid,

So many in anguish, so many dismayed,

These many are seeking with endless pursuit,

Relief from these feelings while missing their root,

Behind all this loneliness, sorrow, and fear,

Lies need for relationship constant and near,

All people possess this great need in their soul,

That burns in their hearts an unsatiable hole,

Companionship, comfort, a presence to trust,

Do people chase after in desperate lust,

In friendships and family; bonds formed with flesh,

We seek for an answer to cure our distress,

But all these relationships, try as they may,

Cannot mend our hearts in a permanent way,

For people are temporal, wrestle with sins,

And suffer division when selfishness wins,

But there is yet hope for humanity’s plight,

For God, in His mercy, can mend our hearts’ blight,

Though many reject Him through doubt and distrust,

Our history tells us that God has been with us,

For in the beginning, He crafted with care,

A man in His image made fully aware,

That when he transitioned to life from the dust,

He perfectly knew that our Maker was with us,

In constant communion with God and His love,

Was Adam’s experience daily thereof,

Ingrained with a truth he could perfectly trust:

Through endless devotion, our Father was with us,

But tragedy fell upon man and his wife,

When sinful ambitions killed spiritual life,

From choosing rebellion in self-centered lust,

In fear, they then knew that Elohim was with us,

But even when man, in his sin, turned his back,

Against our Creator and earned His fierce wrath,

In love, He considered our rescue a must,

And promised a Savior would someday be with us,

This Savior, revealed to the prophets of old,

Would come to redeem all mankind, they foretold,

By winning salvation through love so robust,

That proved just how deeply He yearned to be with us,

So deep He surrendered so much that He owned,

Forsaking His glory and heavenly home,

To dwell on the Earth and be born from the dust,

As Jesus, Messiah; our God was now with us,

Though fully our God, He was fully a man,

Enduring much sorrow and grief for the plan:

Through earning perfection, rejecting all lust,

Was worthy to die for our sins and redeem us,

This horrible death Christ endured on the Cross,

Created the way back to God for the lost,

Through paying the debts from our sins so unjust,

His blood made the way for our God to be with us,

So Jesus now beckons us call on His name,

To give us salvation from hell’s endless flame,

And give us His Spirit, Whose purpose is thus:

To dwell in our hearts and forever be with us,

The Spirit of God, as the Scriptures proclaim,

Has promised His strength and protection to claim,

To give us His guidance and wisdom to trust,

To never forsake us, for Christ is within us,

No sin is too great that He cannot forgive,

No storm can surpass Him, no demons can win,

In all tribulations in which we are thrust,

Our fears can be silenced, for Christ will be with us,

With all we’ve received from His generous hand,

We owe Him obedience; thus, His command:

Proclaim His salvation, with others discuss,

That Jesus can save them just like He saved us,

Though many will claim that His Gospel is fake,

Ignoring His warning: eternity’s at stake,

He desperately beckons that all would come thus:

Accept His salvation, for Jesus is with us!